Thursday, February 25, 2010

rules were made to be broken

these are just the ramblings and complaints of the moment. enjoy.

Music just seems to feed the soul, now doesn't it? It just seems to help everything. think about it, when you are super happy - play a great tune! When you are down in the dumps - play a song to feel that or a peppy one to get you into a better mood. It just seems to have this transmorphing power to cure life. And when it seems like you have just no words for anything, one song just might say it perfectly. Needless to say, I have been iving my life through my itunes recently. Music just helps, in general.

Sometimes I feel liek there was some life class that I missed along the way. Like everyone else just knos how to deal with things or how to act or carry themselves in a certain situation and I just missed that social cue. Although, I do not know how. Most people say that I am an old woman. I am defintely wise beyond my years and have a strength about me that exceeds my knowledge. However, there are still just so many things that I feel like, I am just immature at or with. And I am not really sure what to do about that. How do people know to do the things they do, ya know?

Another thing, I am currently struggling with the idea of age. I mea, what does i truly mean, anyway? At certain ages you are allowed to have more "freedom:" and power to do more things, even though some people do not take advantage of those times. And yet others take advantage too early. And then we talk about the unsaid rules of age, like you should be doing this at this age, or that at that age. Or worse, you cannot do this until that age. How wrong is all of that? Why do there have to be those rules on things? I mean, I know some very respsonsible teenagers who are ready to tackle life. And yet, I know some extremely irresonsible adults who should never even be driving let alone married with children! And who says that kids cannot pay bills and handle taxes? Cause some of them do. And who says that an adult cannot watch disney movies all day and play with nerf guns all night? Like, who makes these rules? Because I am here to just break them all. I don't care anymore.

I have always been the kind of person who hides how she feels. I think society pressures us like that. We aren't allowed to really say how we truly are when someone asks the question "How are you?" We are just supposed to say "fine" and be done with it. Even if that is not how we truly feel. How often do we get the opportunity to just sit in silence and just feel whatever it is that we feel? Without thinking if we are supposed to be feeling one way or another, or if it might hurt someone else oe even ourselves. We just need to feel sometimes. And whether you choose to do that in a weird position in yoga or in a bathtub with candles, that is your choice. But I encourage everyone to just let go. Just let go of it all and be in tune with yourself and whatever it is that you feel. Cause that is really all you have...

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